Gord McEwen gordmcewen795@gmail.com
Maurice Brule mauricebrule84@gmail.com , Kelly Finkas kellyfinkas@gmail.com ,
Jeff Godwin jeffgodwin_28@hotmail.com , and Jack Soloshy starpoint@sasktel.net
Alita Stevenson
Stephen Davis
Derik Wallack
Deputy Mayor:
Jeff Godwin: January - March
Jack Soloshy: April - June
Kelly Finkas: July – Sept
Maurice Brule: October – December
WSA Emergency Preparedness: Maurice Brule,
& Jeff Godwin
-Sask Public Safety EMO – Gord McEwen
- Public Works (Including Roadways, Transfer Station, Machinery,
Maintenance, Lagoon, Employee Relations and O H & S) - Gord McEwen,
Maurice Brule, & Jack Soloshy
-Regional Park & Campground - Jeff Godwin and Maurice Brule
- Recreation: Jeff Godwin & Maurice Brule
-Parkland Library Rep.: Kelly Finkas
-Bylaw Enforcement: Gord McEwen, Jack Soloshy & Maurice Brule
-Pest Control: Jeff Godwin
-Board of Revision and Board of Appeals:
Western Municipal Consulting
-Auditors: Prairie Strong Chartered Professional Accountants
-Building Official Class 1- Reg Churko
Building Official Class 2 & 3 - Professional Building Inspections Inc.
Mayor McEwen - Ex Officio of all committees
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